What I Want to Read in May

Almost all of these are newly released… oops.

5 min readApr 30, 2024

Warm weather is right around the corner, and I could not be more upset. I’m silently grieving the departure of snow and chilly breezes, while dreading the blinding sun’s onset and bugs. So many bugs.

Don’t get me wrong, there are a few things I enjoy about the warmer months ahead… the scales are just drastically tipped. For example, reading by water is probably one of my favorite things to do. Ideally, I’d be reading on a sandy beach with the soundtrack of waves and misting ocean water to accompany me.

Realistically, I’ll be reading poolside trying not to get splashed by my neighbor’s children. Even so, I’m hoping I’ll be able to escape to a lake or some other body of water that isn’t chlorinated within the next few months.

Cross your fingers for me.

Which books am I going to be protecting from water damage? I’m glad you asked!

My eyes are probably too big for my stomach this month, but I’m hoping to read more books in May than I have for the entire year. I’m at eight books so far this year and we’re entering our fifth month of 2024. I haven’t read this little since 2017, when I rediscovered reading.

Granted, I’ve been through a lot this year. Life decided to throw some fairly large curveballs at me, but things are finally starting to turn themselves around.

Funny Story by Emily Henry

“A shimmering, joyful new novel about a pair of opposites with the wrong thing in common, from #1 New York Times bestselling author Emily Henry.”

I have no clue what this book is about and frankly I don’t care. I’ve read every single book this woman has written, and I’ve rated all of them, with the exception of Happy Place, five whole stars. (Yes, I’m one of those weirdos who didn’t like it that much.) I have high hopes for her latest release, though!

11 Hours | 387 Pages

Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez

“A sharp and scintillating summer novel that will make readers laugh out loud and cry happy tears from the New York Times bestselling author of Yours Truly.”

I’m going to get all of the standard romantic comedies out of the way at the tip top of this list. To many people’s astonishment (okay, a few people’s astonishment) I have not read anything by Abby Jimenez. Just for the Summer looks like it could be a fun seasonal read that has the potential to help me appreciate this horrid time of year? Maybe?

12 Hours | 405 Pages

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

“John Green, the acclaimed author of Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars, returns with a story of shattering, unflinching clarity in this brilliant novel of love, resilience, and the power of lifelong friendship.”

Speaking of 2017, that was the last time I read this book. I remember very little, but with the movie releasing soon (or perhaps just released?), I figured I should revisit the last young adult book my favorite author will ever write. *Sobs* Like I said, I remember very little, but I do remember this book triggering my anxiety and having to take many breaks. It’s going to be a fun time!

7 Hours | 286 Pages

Recipe for a Charmed Life by Rachel Linden

“After a day of unrivaled disappointments, a promising young chef finds every bite of food suddenly tastes bitter. To save her career, she travels to the Pacific Northwest to reconnect with her estranged mom, and discovers a family legacy she never suspected in this delicious novel from the bestselling author of The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie.”

This book was a total cover-buy. I love books about food, and it seems like the right season to read such a novel. The problem I have with most food-books is the lack of actual plot. There’ usually nothing crazy happening, or the plot is so outlandish that I laugh during serious scenes. Whoops. When I read the premise of this one, I thought I might like it because this seems like a serious problem for a chef to have. I’ve wanted to explore this author’s work for a while, so I figured that there’s no time like the present.

12 Hours | 352 Pages

Song of the Six Realms by Judy I. Lin

“Judy I. Lin, #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Magic Steeped in Poison, weaves a dreamy gothic romance worthy of the heavens in Song of the Six Realms.”

I have never attacked my Amazon account this quickly to get my hands on a book by an author I’ve never read before. Aside from the gorgeous and glinty cover, the buzzwords gothic and romance used in the same blurb will get me every time. Add to fucking cart.

12 Hours | 400 Pages

A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvie Cathrall

“A beautiful discovery outside the window of her underwater home prompts the reclusive E. to begin a correspondence with renowned scholar Henerey Clel. The letters they share are filled with passion, at first for their mutual interests, and then, inevitably, for each other.”

I love pen pal romances and A Letter to the Luminous Deep seems to have that trope! I blame You’ve Got Mail for my obsession with this trope, but if there are any romances that involve written communication as a method of getting to know each other… I’m there. I also love how this one has a water element involved!

13 Hours | 432 Pages

I had another few books on this list, but I’m really trying to be more realistic with my hopefuls. I’d love to know what books you’re planning on devouring in May and/or any book recommendations you have for me!

Thank you so much for reading and until next time,

~ Sarah




A coffee-obsessed reader and writer, scribbling away in a local café.